Thursday, May 19, 2011

Things you might not have thought you could do while in Venice

Everyone knows about the gondolas, Saint Mark's Square, and the Rialto Bridge, but what about other attractions in Venice? Here is a quick and certainly not exhaustive list of some other things to do in Venice.

The Lido Beach
1. Visit the beach in Lido. You can take a ferry from the Tronchetto port to Lido. From there you can rent a bike for the day or take a cab to the beach on the tip of the island for an afternoon on the Adriatic.

2. Take a guided boat tour of ancient villas along the channel between Venice and Padova. See and experience the grandeur of the villas that the wealthy merchants of Venice lived in during the summers to escape the Venetian heat. More information about the guided tour is available at
Shuttle-Bike - convert a bike to a pedal-power boat
3. Rent a Shuttle-Bike to ride on the channels of Venice. Not long ago I saw someone riding one of these bikes on a side channel in Venice - don't know if it was for a promotion for the product or for a rental outfit in Venice, but it's worth Googling to find out more. Obviously, I didn't find the main site, or I would have posted more information...

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